1213 Larch Ave
Kalona, IA 52247

Author: Travis

Should you consider late N application with a Y-drop system in 2021?

Nitrogen availability near flowering time and during grain fill can be one of the most important factors in maximizing final yields. The advantage of a Y-drop nitrogen (N) application system appears to be greatest in dry environments as it concentrates the added N in the largest and most active root zone, and it allows N…

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Derecho Tolerant Corn Research

There have been several articles in the news recently which were  titled “derecho proof” corn. These articles observed advantages in standability following the August 7 2020 derecho, for shorter corn hybrids being developed by research conducted independently by Bayer and Stine corn research programs. Miller Hybrids has already developed a key “derecho resistant” medium-short corn…

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