What Soybean Density works best for Performance? (Farm Progress Article)
Farmers may need to find different ways to manage their soybean crop due to high input costs and commodity prices. Planting the right seeding rate is one way to get optimal yields. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE
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PROS AND CONS OF 7 TILLAGE SYSTEMS (Article from Farm Journal)
“The first step to choosing the ideal production systems for your farm is to understand the various systems. The list below is not all-inclusive, but they are the most common systems, says Farm Journal Field Agronomist Ken Ferrie.” READ FULL ARTICLE HERE
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Should I Apply Fungicide to My Corn and Beans in 2022?
For those of you on the fence trying to decide whether or not to spray your corn and soybeans with fungicide this year, take a look at the newest information on “Bob’s Blog”. Some key benefits can include: Increased photosynthesis, Improved standability, Better N Utilization and Improved stress tolerance Click here to learn more…
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Use practices such as starter fertilizer, split applications and stabilizers to ensure nutrients are available to the crop early and during the entire growing season.
You’re busy prepping equipment for the 2022 planting season and anxiously awaiting the first chance to get in the field. And you don’t want your neighbors to beat you. Still, don’t skimp on fertilizer applications to get there. “Up to 60% of crop yield is dependent on soil fertility,” says Taylor Purucker, Mosaic Co. eastern North America…
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Should you consider late N application with a Y-drop system in 2021?
Nitrogen availability near flowering time and during grain fill can be one of the most important factors in maximizing final yields. The advantage of a Y-drop nitrogen (N) application system appears to be greatest in dry environments as it concentrates the added N in the largest and most active root zone, and it allows N…
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Scouting for Insects, Diseases & Weeds
Insects Black Cutworms and Fall Armyworms have created some problems this year, especially in fields planted with cover crops ahead of corn. Continue to scout your fields with greater concern paid to weedy areas or late planted corn. Adding an insecticide to a spray program may be cost effective, especially in continuous corn. It also…
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How Much Nitrogen Do I Need?
Nitrogen availability near flowering time and during grain fill is one of the most important differences in final yields. Leaching and wash off of surface applied N, on wetter or compacted soils, has led to some later planted fields showing yellowing and stunting. This is more noticeable in continuous corn fields. These stunted plants will…
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Planting the Right Genetics and Traits
It is important to choose hybrids which best match your soil type, fertility, soil drainage and fungicide use practices. A general rule is to try new hybrids on better soils and stick with more tried and true hybrids on poorer soils. Hybrid blends can work best on variable soils. Many people are no longer using…
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From Our Ears To Yours: Observations from a Miller DSM Mike Terpstra; Sioux Falls, SD (part 2 of 2)
Soybeans were a split story: Northwest areas of my territory soybeans fared well in the cooler temps and consistent rains that usually aren’t present in June/July/August. The farther South East I went soybean yields stayed average or so, unless there was the faintest history of white mold. Especially heavily manured fields saw extremely yield inhibiting…
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From Our Ears To Yours: Observations from a Miller DSM Mike Terpstra; Sioux Falls, SD (part 1 of 2)
My name is Mike Terpstra and I am the DSM for Miller Hybrid’s NW Territory. I cover SE north Dakota, western MN, Eastern SD, NE Nebraska, and a small amount of NW Iowa. Travelling that distance gives me a very unique perspective on growing conditions and events farmers faced in 2019. My area is unique…
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Miller Research
Miller Hybrids research is conducted under tough conditions to allow the identification of hybrids that can tolerate the stresses that are typical in your fields. In 2019 we have 5 main corn research sites involving approximately 85 acres and 1800 hybrids. Over half our acres involve 8-row plots with the middle 4-rows harvested for yield,…
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Comments & Concerns on Crops
This has been a year filled with tremendous opportunity to raise a very good crop of corn, but also a year that will yield disappointing results in many fields or parts of fields. As I walk through fields and predict dramatically different potential results in adjacent areas, I am seeing the need to improve…
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